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Servicing Patients for over 28 years in San Joaquin County.

Chiropractic Care

Injuries to the back, neck, or any other part of the body can be devastating. They can affect not just your work performance but your overall daily functioning as well. Many patients benefit from the specialized treatment of a chiropractor, and Tracy Chiropractic provides chiropractic care to help patients recover from their injuries and return to their normal lives.

massage for a women

Recommended by Local Medical Practitioners

Whether you have been injured at work, during a sports game, in an auto accident, or in some other way, you may benefit from the assistance of a chiropractor. In fact, many local medical practitioners refer their patients to the doctors at Tracy Chiropractic for rehabilitation services and pain management for the next step in the recovery process. Dr. Brown has been practicing in the Tracy area since 1996, and since then, he’s formed connections with countless local doctors who trust him with the continuing care of their patients. These connections also enable our doctors to refer patients to some of the best orthopedic surgeons and other specialists in the region.

car wreck

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accidents

Even the most minor injury sustained during a traffic collision can result in severe pain and discomfort. Chiropractic can relieve whiplash, sprains, straining, and other damages associated with car accidents. Dr. Brown and Dr. Dell’Aringa have over two decades of experience helping car accident victims return to their everyday lives. During their careers, they’ve successfully argued vehicle accident-related cases in court and fought for their patients’ best interests. Tracy Chiropractic can restore your body and make your recovery easier by providing the following services after your auto accident:

  • Chiropractic manipulative therapy
  • Ultrasound technology
  • Electrical stimulations
  • Exercises to improve range of motion
  • Physiotherapy
  • Myofascial relief
  • Mechanical traction
  • Massage
  • Deep tissue work

Injury Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Follow-up Care, and Long-Term Wellness

Tracy Chiropractic offers treatments and therapies for numerous conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. We’ve helped patients overcome everything from lower back pain and neck strain to knee sprains and hip bursitis. We can assist patients who have the following types of pain and injuries, and more:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Mid Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder/Arm Pain
  • Leg Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle/Foot Pain
  • Ankle/Foot Pain
  • Whiplash
  • Scoliosis
  • Sciatica
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Prenatal & Postpartum Back Pain
  • Lumbar Disc Problems
women smiling and happy for chiropractic

Specialized Treatments to Alleviate Pain

Common muscular tension and tightness can be alleviated through spinal adjustments and physiotherapy. We can also create a regimen of stretches and exercises for you to do before and after workouts to reduce your recovery time and help keep your muscles and tendons in optimal condition.

Pain in the extremities, back, and neck can be caused by many factors, and it can last for days or years. Regardless of the severity of your condition, Doctors Dell’Aringa and Brown can help you find a better quality of life through natural, hands-on therapies. We’ve helped alleviate pain for patients with degenerative and inflammatory arthritis through specialized treatments like paraffin treatment and therapeutic exercise.

Care Focused on Convenience

We’re located across the street from Tracy Hospital, and many of our referrals come from local medical practitioners. Please speak with a member of our team to learn more about affordable private pay options.

  • We accept most major health insurance plans.
  • We’re included in many local providers’ Medical Provider Networks (MPN).
  • We are available by appointment on Saturdays!
  • Local high school sports physicals are available!

When you are ready to experience the difference that quality chiropractic care can offer, call Tracy Chiropractic at 209-835-6625 to schedule an appointment.

About Our Doctors

Doctors Brown and Dell’Aringa were born and raised in Tracy, and today they remain very active in the community; coaching and training local high schools and youth sports teams, and serving various positions for charities, clubs, nonprofits, and city organizations. Licensed and practicing locally since 1996, Dr. Brown opened Tracy Chiropractic in 2007. He’s a father of three with deep roots in the community.

In her spare time, Dr. Dell’Aringa is very active in the local community where she serves as Club Service Director at the Tracy Rotary Club and President of The Grand Foundation. She’s also a board member at a local nonprofit called Good Samaritan.


Tracy Chiropractic

1458 Bessie Avenue
Tracy, CA 95376


Hours of Operation
Monday & Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

1458 Bessie Ave, Tracy, CA 95376, USA